
Photos I didn’t take – Thailand

My summer vacation in the middle of the winter was definitely photo-worthy, but I also try to hold on to all the sensations, smells, sounds that, unfortunately, cannot be captured by a camera. Here are some of them. The refreshing taste of fresh coconut The low sound of the retreating tide The sound of the singing cicadas The fine sand touching my toes The unusual high noon sun on my skin The perfect texture of a perfect mango lassi The impressive walls […]

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Photos I didn’t take – Croatia

One week into readjusting from my sailing trip to Croatia and I am trying to understand how and why my cameras remained hidden most of the time. From time to time, throughout my trip, I would say to myself: I must remember these colors, this narrow street, this tasty fish, this sparkling drink. I must remember because no way I am taking my phone out and disrupt this moment for a picture. At times, I would be lazy. At times, I would be swimming, […]

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